Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Smartphone Holder for Video Recording

If you're using your smartphone for video calls or making videos, one of the key things is to hold it still, to hold it steady, and at about eye level. And I've got a great tool for doing that. It's called like a gooseneck stabilizer. I'll have a link down below to Amazon where you can buy it for about 15 bucks. But I've got another video where you can check out my review of this. But I wanted to show you all the different ways that I've found to use it since I started to get creative with this. So right now it's attached to my desk and it's a little bit lower than eye height, so not perfect, but I'm gonna go around my house and show you a couple other ways that you could attach this to something to get it at the perfect height and in the perfect location. So to get the camera closer to my eye line, I just walked over to my kitchen where I've attached the gooseneck holder to my kitchen countertop, which is a little higher than my desk. So if I wanted it really high up, I can attach it to a kitchen cabinet door like this. And here I've attached the holder to my door. It opens up to about 2.75 inches, so it can attach to many, many different things. Another place that you could attach it is to a window frame because it's allowing in that great light to be shining on you while holding your camera steady at the right spot. It's super adaptable, but I don't recommend trying to attach it to your golden retriever puppy. And if for some reason you want the camera down really low, you can attach it to something like the base of your cabinets. But the key here, super adaptable and you can use this to attach your smartphone to just about anything around your house and to get into the perfect location. So check out that video that's a review of this and I'll see you in the next video.

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